Career & Spirituality

Coaching  and Mentoring


Supporting you to go from stress and frustration

to expressing who you truly are in a career path that suits your soul.

What it’s all about

Life is a wonderful gift, but the way we live it in our modern societies has us needing to “pick” a career before having had the chance to know ourselves enough, discover who we truly are and the innate gifts we are best suited to incarnate because, sadly, self discovery is not taught in school. This is my story of a painful wake up call but it’s never too late to get up and follow our true path.

The Problem

A nagging feeling of unfulfilment

On the outside...

Does it look like you have it together? By all standards of society, life is working great for you, you’ve got a good career, you’re financially stable, you’ve worked hard to be where you are?

...But on the Inside

You are becoming increasingly aware that, at the point you have reached in your career, you would have expected to feel a lot more fulfilled than you currently are, and that pursuing more of the same is not making you feel any better. Somehow your inner feelings of satisfaction do not measure up to your outer signs of achievement.

Why is this nagging you?

The up and downs of your life journey so far woke you up to a deeper understanding of yourself, and the inner voice of the real you is not satisfied anymore with the pursuit of traditional life achievements. The voice is loud enough for you to feel its discontent but is not yet clear enough for you to hear what it really needs.

The solution

The solution is Alignment. Alignment between WHO YOU ARE, at soul level, prior to your social conditionings, and WHAT YOU DO, at the level of action, in your career, wether in employment or business. Alignment of the 4 levels of your being: Spiritual, physical, mental and emotional.


WHO YOU ARE: When you know who you are but are not expressing it in your career, you will still feel fractured, regardless of the spiritual practice you have on the side. No amount of week end retreats or after work meditation makes up for 40 hours a week in a job that does not allow for your divine self expression.

WHAT YOU DO. Your job might not be a bad one at all but you still feel fractured: when you don’t know who you are as a soul, you ignore how you are naturally wired to operate, and if the way you are going about doing what you do is not right for you, no amount of career change will resolve your inner feeling of inadequacy.

When you can express WHO YOU ARE into WHAT YOU DO (and how you do it), all day, every day, you create ALIGNMENT in your life. You can feel ONE again, no more fractured, because you don’t have to be two different persons between your professional life and your personal life. This unlocks a path of least resistance characterised by the disappearance of struggle, alongside a rise in energy and abundance.

The Process

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The first step is to establish your Soul profile (your soul’s personality, skills and talents) and clear the karmic blocks getting in the way of you fully resonating with it. Because once you know who you are, you’ll know what to do and how to do it.

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Time to put the theory of who you are at soul level into practice, in your life and career. Requires to get out of your confort zone and take brand new courses of action. That is where resistance arises, which we tackle by working on the subconscious mind, stress and emotions.

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Your survival instincts will always resist any change, because your subconscious wants to keep you safe. We dig into it to reprogram you with beliefs and behaviours that stop this well intentioned self sabotage and support your actions to change instead of hindering them.

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How you feel about what you do can throw you either in survival mode (sabotaging), or “sage” mode (supporting). We teach you how to switch mode at will, by controlling your stress and emotions. When you feel good, you hear your soul better and make aligned choices.

The Start

The first conversation

45 minutes consultation to understand the specificity of your situation, and tailor a plan for you to move forward. Upon which you will receive a quote with a personalised session’s plan.


The work itself

Depending on your needs we work over one, three or six months, via online sessions. In person sessions can be arranged when possible. Multiple phases are usually overlapping: I- Addressing your stress management strategy, II- Discovering who you are at soul level III- Healing current work triggers to avoid pattern repetition

Your Coach

Julie Pône

I believe the most powerful thing we can do as individuals looking for meaning, in order to really thrive in this crazy arsed world, is to leverage the practical applications of spirituality.

Early on I’d decided I wanted a career I wouldn’t need a vacation from. So I pursued my dream of working with horses. And even though it was supposed to be my passion, I was not 100% fulfilled in it. The diagnostic of a chronic condition stirred me on a career path in well-being, massage and reflexology. I liked it but still, I wasn’t 100% fulfilled either. My health, income and relationships were poor, and so was my taste for life in general. It is only when I came to know myself from a soul perspective, understand the law of karma and discover spirituality from a very practical angle, that I was able to stir the course of my life in the right direction and create different results. My business is now an extension of who I am, both in what I do and how I run it. And it fuels me with energy, and a sense of deep fulfilment that I no longer need to go find elsewhere.



I hope to have the opportunity to help you as I have helped them.

Hello everyone! I have followed a 3 months program with Julie and I can say without any doubt that it was my best decision.
I wasn’t sure at the beginning if I really needed professional help to deal with questions/problems in my life. Like, I think, a lot of people, I blamed myself for not being able to find solutions and understand what I really want to do and felt very ashamed that I couldn’t deal with it by myself. One day I started to think that I had at least to try to work with a professional coach and that it’s better to regret something I tried rather than regretting not trying anything.
After a couple of months, I met Julie at a women networking meeting and her words about her job touched my soul. I realised that I must take the first session and see where it will go and how I will feel. Maybe it will sound strange for someone but after our first session, I cried and realised that if I do nothing and don’t try at least 1 part of the course I will regret and then it will be too late.
I like that Julie proposes the option to do, at the beginning, only 1/3 of the whole course so you have an opportunity to check does it work for you? and are you going to continue? without having to pay for the whole course upfront. So it’s not a big risk.
Now, after all our sessions together, I can say that I know where I want to go and what to do, I know myself much better than before, I am still working on a lot of things (it’s normal) but I did a huge job and without Julie, her rare skill of “feeling” you, understanding your problems and knowing which exercises or approach will help you, I wouldn’t be at the place where I am now.
I hope that my feedback will help someone to make this “not so easy” decision and let a professional help you!”
Ekaterina P. | Paris, France

“En Avril 2014 j’ai fait appel à Julie pour un soin  énergétique. J’avais à l’époque une fatigue générale et je venais de perdre quelqu’un de très cher. J’ai trouvé auprès de cette personne, que je n’avais jamais rencontré auparavant, une grande qualité professionnelle. Une approche relationnelle inattendue, dans l’écoute comme dans la disponibilité, et un respect  de l’autre, discrétion, qui m’ont mis en confiance très vite. Depuis j’y retourne des que je me sens affaiblie énergétiquement et que je ressens le besoin de me relaxer ou de me ressourcer. La synergie entre les différentes techniques utilisées : reiki, aromathérapie, Acces à la conscience et le temps consacré au soin en font un moment très précieux et voir même magique.”
Yasmin Y. | Dublin

“The discovery of my Soul realignment profile, with Julie’s explanations, made me realise the extent of my potential. Julie gave me precious help on how to leverage my abilities by focusing on my personal ways to create success and what I needed to address. I warmly recommend this experience of knowing and understanding one ‘s own patterns of behaviours in order to be more self-confident and create a path to achieve one’s goals.”
Magali L. | Paris

“Excellent workshop, very helpful and very well presented. I would definitely do again and recommend.”
Laura E. | PHD candidate, Trinity College Dublin.

“When I first saw Julie for Soul Realignment, I was in the middle of a huge life crisis.  I’d had a serious health issue a few years prior, which involved four surgeries and rehab for recovery.  Since then my whole life had taken a massive U turn from seemingly ‘having it all’.  My relationship, my business and financial situation were also suffering.  I couldn’t get back on track despite all my efforts. My relationship had broken down to almost irreconcilable levels and it felt like ongoing difficult events kept coming at me.

 Julie had so many insights which led me to a deeper understanding of who I was, and an acceptance of my gifts and challenges as well as an understanding of my unique self-expression.  The clearings that she did and the information that she gave me really helped me to start putting my life back together.  

 I am able to put myself first and have more balance in my life without feeling guilty which I think had a direct correlation to me becoming ill in the first place. I am also now a lot calmer and clearer instead of feeling panic, which happened after a specific clearing she did regarding some traumatic events that had occurred in my life. I have made important business decisions that I couldn’t make before and can see a way forward that is exciting and makes me happy instead of filling me with dread. My relationship has also opened up and we are getting old issues resolved that have been affecting my marriage for many years.

Julie is a very kind and understanding person and is able to explain things in a way that makes sense.  She has really helped me to get back on track in many areas of my life where I had previously felt very stuck. “

SJ, London, UK | Healthcare Practitioner and Business Owner

“I have used Julie for many sessions over the years and always found her very good; she is naturally intuitive and the techniques she uses seem to be very effective. I especially like the Soul Realignment, I found this really interesting. On a very practical level it helped me make decisions that have benefitted me, including a geographical move which I didn’t expect but which really changed my life for the better, both personally and professionally.”
Georgina Kearney | CFO, Mint Tek Circuits Ltd.

Julie’s approach is very different and holistic, taking into account energy and personality which was the first time for me in a career coaching program.

The result was just amazing, she helped me discover my values, desires as well as my strengths and areas of improvement, and my motivation to pursue what really matters to me grew every sessions, leading me to find and obtain a new job that ticked all the boxes discussed together.

I am so grateful for this career coaching journey. I would absolutely recommend if you are looking for a change, the right change and are a bit lost.”

Brenda B. | Dublin.

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