Are you feeling under the weather, or caught up in a negative loop of experiences, do you feel that you are not coping with your daily tasks, or struggling in reaching your goals?

Maybe you have gone through a difficult time that has triggered your mood to deteriorate, or maybe you just feel like this without apparent reason.

If this has been the case over a period of time, it has become habitual, making it more difficult to overcome with just the power of your own will.

Our mind is extremely sophisticated and the part of it that regulates our body functions is also recording all of our experiences, like a giant recorder that is on 24/7 from the day we are born. It is also constantly filtering the information our brain receives from our environment and only lets us be aware of what is relevant to us in each moment. How does it chooses to make us aware of one thing over another? To make us notice the rain or the rainbow ? All our perceptions are ruled by the data base of previous recorded experiences and our mind makes us be aware of what matches the records, and ignore what doesn’t. So what you are made aware today depends on yesterday’s experiences.

So when you have been feeling gloomy for a while, whatever the reason, chances are your own mind is using this information as a reference to screen out any new experience that is not of the same “vibration”. This as a result is switching your gloomy mood from the category of a simple feeling to the category of a “habit”.

So if my own mind only allows me to notice the gloom around me, how can I possibly get out of it?

Nowadays there are techniques designed to access the mind’s data base of experiences, delete information in it, and install new pieces of data. New references in the database mean that new experiences will be allowed to reach your awareness. (Access Bars & PSYCH-K®).


Practice coherence: Coherence is a state of harmony between the heart and the brain, when positive heartfelt emotions induce the heart rhythm to slow down and regulate. This influences the nervous system to relax, creating the right environment for the mind to work at its full potential. You do not need to wait for a good news in your life to experience a positive emotion. This is something you can induce yourself. Here is how you can practice it: make yourself comfortable, connect with your heart by bringing your hand on your chest over your heart area. Be conscious of your heart beating in your chest. Take deep breath “through your heart”, as if your heart had a nose and a mouth, visualizing the air going in and out through your chest. Then recall a positive memory, think of a person, a pet or a place you love while keeping up the breathing and indulge in the calm feeling it restores in your body and mind. Practice this exercise every day, use it before starting a challenging task so it will help you to clear your mind and focus your attention, and most of all use it any time you are feeling overwhelmed with stress or negativity.


you can start reprogramming your own mind’s data base by using positive affirmations. To be efficient, the affirmations have to sink into and impregnate the subconscious mind. That is why they should be repeted while in a relaxed meditative state, because the mind is then in a heightened suggestible state. So good times to repeat your affirmations would be : after a meditation, after your coherence practice session, or in bed when you are just about to fall asleep or upon waking up, during these phases when you’re not fully asleep but not fully awake either.

Create your own affirmations, only in a positive tense and in a way that is also believable to your conscious mind so it wouldn’t resist the suggestion. Ex: rather than saying “I am always happy and cheerful” – which you might resist if this is a goal too far removed from your actual reality – tweak it slightly to make it something easily believable, such as “every day I am getting happier and happier”. This eliminates any resistance your conscious mind may have opposed to a goal that appears unrealistic for you in this moment in time.


Start to be attentive to the positive things that happen in your life, small or big, whether it is the smile of a stranger in the street, or a promotion in work. By acknowledging the tiniest sparks of positivity in your life you are training your mind to look for more of it. The more you see them the more there will be to see! Make an effort to identify the more positive, or less negative aspects of any situation. There is always something we can appreciate : it could only be the hot shower you had in the morning, or even something as taken for granted as the air you breathe. Acknowledge these things and be grateful for them, since as they say, the more grateful you are, the more there is to be grateful for!
If you are making it your business to feel good on purpose, positive thinking will soon become a habit rather than an effort!