Episode 26 – Elizabeth Svensson: Living Life One Episode At A Time

Episode 26 – Elizabeth Svensson: Living Life One Episode At A Time




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 26


Living Life One Experience At A Time


With Elizabeth Svensson

Conversations Take Aways:

  • A spiritual journey that started by trying to prove it wrong
  • A career path motivated by understanding people
  • What is Kinesiology
  • We are vibrational beings: what that means for our physical and emotional health.
  • How our processing of emotions impacts us 
  • We chose our experiences: a success story of manifesting 
  • Having that trust that life will work out

About Elizabeth

Liz is a Systematic Kinesiologist, a Natural Lifestyle promoter and Wholehearted Health Coach. She works with your whole Being to reach your goals, in health and beyond. 

Her perspective is that when we experience inner balance, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, our body naturally heals or rights itself.

The resources to take care of the areas that need extra support are readily available and our inner natural intelligence simply takes care of the rest: recovery, well-being and continuous development.

Our quest and responsibility is therefore to find and maintain this balance. It is through this approach that Liz lives her life and supports others to live theirs. 

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“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

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Episode 25 – Rules Of Intuition

Episode 25 – Rules Of Intuition




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 25


Rules Of Intuition


With Gina Schatz, Katie McManus and Inga Joseph

About this episode

This episode is comprised of a compilation of passages from 3 very insightful past conversations, so as to create a mini-masterclass on Intuition!

In episodes 10, 16 and 17, Inga Joseph, Laura Tynan and Gina Schatz shared their own experiences and perspectives on intuition and decision making.

Putting them in parallel, you’ll notice that they all describe a physical reaction, unexplainable but “palpable” in a sense: expansion vs contraction, a “hell yes” vs “that’s a no” reaction, a resonance that draws you towards or repulses you.

Inga even shares an exercise to help us fine tune this perception tool of ours.

Also, Gina and Laura talk about an external guiding force, about courage, about the need to meet the universe half way once we’ve asked for guidance, and dare to take action, and also how in essence following intuition implies leaning in the discomfort of uncertainty.

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.

Episode 24 – Petra Blume: Dancing With Uncertainty

Episode 24 – Petra Blume: Dancing With Uncertainty




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 24


Dancing With Uncertainty


With Petra Blume

Conversations Take Aways:

  • The definition of “career” is changing
  • Neuroscience to support career navigation
  • Who seeks career support?
  • Neuroscience at the service of career navigation
  • The most prevalent mental saboteurs in the workplace
  • The antidote to mental saboteurs
  • When it’s time to have a career conversation
  • The new future starts with school

About Petra

Petra considers herself a “people-passioneer” and love to empower women to thrive and succeed in their career transition by building on their mental fitness.

She has reinvented herself twice over the years, and after a long career within the IT industry, she felt that it was time to listen to her inner voice and follow her purpose. She has now been successfully supporting individuals as a Career, Executive and Mental Coach for the last 5 years.

She offers personalized and professional coaching services to individuals who are facing change, uncertainty, or challenges in their work environment, helping them develop resilience, confidence, and clarity to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.

Episode 23 – Sumit Sharma: Licence To Be, The Way Of The Yogi

Episode 23 – Sumit Sharma: Licence To Be, The Way Of The Yogi




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 23


Licence to BE, The Way Of The Yogi


With Sumit Sharma

Conversations Take Aways:

  • Longing to find meaning to existence 
  • Spirituality is not an idea
  • A tale of Ferraris and spaceships
  • Another tale, of roses and sunflowers.
  • Meditation, embracing the light and the practice of being
  • Every presence has a fragrance
  • Seeing through false reality
  • We are already in Heaven
  • Letting go of what your career should be so it can unfold

About Sumit

Sumit comes from India, a land filled with yogis who saw that the only way to make life successful was to be a yogi.

For a yogi is oneness personified. And when you live like a yogi, you are in the universe and the universe is in you. Both intertwined make for a life full of cosmic wonders! And that’s who Sumit truly is, a yogi.

In 2019, taking a leap of faith leaving a decade long role as team manager, he pursues his entrepreneurial dream: Starting as a freelance SEO copywriter, he then transitioned into supporting coaches, and today, proudly serves as a Client Acquisition & Branding Ally for Coaches.

He leads Morning Champions, his meditation community, hosting daily live meditation sessions at 7 AM UK time.

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.

Episode 22 – Manish Sundariya: When Did We Hire The Universe?

Episode 22 – Manish Sundariya: When Did We Hire The Universe?




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 22


When Did We Hire The Universe?


With Manish Sundariya

Conversations Take Aways:

  • Spirituality is a way of life
  • From call centre to investment banking
  • Influence of Hinduism
  • Why are we human
  • The theory of replacement and manifestation
  • Take care of your people!
  • Managing self and stress
  • 4 things to remember 

About Manish

If you ask Manish for his bio, this is what you’d get: “Just a normal guy trying to make the most of this journey called LIFE”.

Incidentally, he is also the Global Program Manager for one the biggest banks worldwide, managing people across 56 countries.

You’ll find that Manish experience of managing people very much echoes the principles of Leading from the Heart that Mark Crowley describes in Episode 9. 

In my eyes, Manish is a living example of what it means to lead from the Heart. 

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.

Episode 25 – Rules Of Intuition

Episode 21 – Relationship With Money




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 21


Relationship With Money


With Laura Tynan, Katie McManus and Sebastian Koellner

About this episode

This episode puts in parallel interesting perspectives on the topic of our relationship with money, that were shared that 3 of our previous speakers: 

Laura Tynan, aka The Witch of Wall Street, financial educator for women.

Katie McManus, business strategist & money mindset coach for ADHD entrepreneurs.

Sebastien Koellner, Aka Chief MindSetter Sebastian, Mindset coach for coaches & solopreneurs.

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.