Episode 36 – Annette Ebbinghaus: From Engineering to Sophrology
We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.
& Spirituality
We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.
Episode 36
From Engineering to Sophrology
With Annette Ebbinghaus
Conversations Take Aways:
From Civil Engineering to Engineering of the Body
Strong foundation for a healthy life
Organised religion and spiritual turnarounds
Scientists and religion
Sophrology: what and why
Working with professional parents and teenagers
Stay curious!
About Annette
Annette is Canadian-Suisse living in Geneva. She began her career as a Civil Engineer, very rational, scientific mind and through the course of life, getting a M.Sc. in Civil Enginneering, then an MBA and working for a leading business school, IMD in Lausanne.
Then she found herselg living in Asia where her life trajectory completely changed, as this is when she began to study the body and the mind.
After a move to the US for 4 years, she returned to Switzerland, that’s when her mind and consciousness studies got a lot more in depth. She ultimately became an ASCA certified Master Sophrologist among other things such as a Reiki Master, IQM and HeartMath coherence practitioner, hypnosis, NLP…
Her work now involved building synaptic bridges in the mind and the body whilst connecting us to all that is.