Episode 39 – Dr Shireen Maluf: The Sound Of Spirit

Episode 39 – Dr Shireen Maluf: The Sound Of Spirit




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 39


The Sound Of Spirit


With Dr Shireen Maluf

Conversations Take Aways:

  • Spirituality shouldn’t be an escape
  • Chaos and Peace of heart
  • What is Musicology?
  • The path to Medicine Woman
  • The body is the instrument, the soul is its strings
  • How to tune inwards and find our own song
  • Subtleties of sound vs noise?
  • What’s with 432hz?
  • The problem with Listening
  • Empaths don’t know they’re empaths
  • Evolving as a species, communicating beyond words
  • The gifts of an empath

About Shireen

Clarity Catalyst for Change-Makers, Shireen helps high-achievers empaths and leaders to find Clarity, Peace and Direction.

Influenced by her upbringing amidst conflict and facing the aftermath of a significant global disaster, Shireen pursued clarity through spirituality, music, and nonprofit leadership.

Her journey spanned continents, immersing her in ancient wisdoms and practices like Peruvian Shamanism, coaching and holistic approaches.

At McGill University, she specialized in phenomenology and piano performance, leading to roles as a university professor, concert pianist, and NGO director, championing free music education in marginalized settings.

Her diverse contributions include academic publications, fiction, and an award-winning script from the 2015 Canada International Film Festival.

Fluent in English, French, and Arabic, and enriched by diverse cultural experiences and certifications, she leverages her expertise in spirituality, music, and nonprofit leadership, and has dedicated the last decade to supporting high achieving sensitive empaths and leaders transition from dysfunctional patterns.

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

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Episode 38 – Kasia Bradford: Stop Outsourcing Your Knowing

Episode 38 – Kasia Bradford: Stop Outsourcing Your Knowing




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 38


Stop Outsourcing Your Knowing!


With Kasia Bradford

Conversations Take Aways:

  • Being “taken care of” by Spirit
  • From thinking others know better to trusting what I want
  • Defining who we are: from roles to ways of being
  • The most unusual impulse for maternity
  • Don’t rush when you start your career
  • The truth behind boredom
  • Knowing our values to know when things are aligned
  • Things just reveal themselves when we’re present with people

About Kasia

Kasia is an empowerment & leadership coach. Throughout her life she has navigated incredible shifts which, now she sees, were preparing her for the work she does today.

From battling an eating disorder for over a decade, losing a pregnancy that almost killed her, leaving a less than ideal marriage, to completely changing careers after 17 years as a CPA and IT Professional in order to start her own coaching business, she experienced her fair share of CHANGE.

She started her coaching practice over twelve years ago after experiencing the positive impact coaching had on her life as she navigated career changes, divorce, leading others in a corporate setting and navigating feelings of overwhelm while starting a new business as a single parent.

She supports her clients in getting to know who they truly are. by breaking up with their old stories and fully owning their confidence so they can lead their life empowered!

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.

Episode 37 – Lucy Thom: The Tough Landing Of An Ocean Sailor

Episode 37 – Lucy Thom: The Tough Landing Of An Ocean Sailor




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 37


The Tough Landing Of An Ocean Sailor


With Lucy Thom

Conversations Take Aways:

  • Sailing story of a real life “God help us!” situation.
  • When you can’t bring yourself to ask for help: The difficulty of transitioning from high achiever professional to parent. 
  • Mate to mediator: from conflict resolution at sea to conflict resolution as a new career.
  • Reclaiming one’s voice and authentic self expression
  • Lessons from a chronic illness: don’t kill the messenger!
  • Giving ourselves permission to heal

About Speaker

A geographer and former Royal Engineers reserve officer, Lucy’s first career came out of the blue: the first woman and civilian to qualify as a Joint Services (British Forces) Adventurous Sail-Training Skipper. 

Lucy went onto becoming a round the world yachtswoman after which she took on a key training and coordination role to relaunch and sail manually the classic racing superyacht, “Mariquita”.

These roles demanded good fitness and clear communication, especially in adverse weather conditions and so it was a huge shock when, just a couple of years after leaving the sea to start a family, Lucy found herself in hospital, struggling to breathe and only able to speak in a hoarse whisper.

Diagnosed with an apparently chronic, incurable breathing condition called idiopathic airway stenosis, Lucy decided to embark on a quest: what is actually causing this tissue to grow in my airway?

Little did she know then that it would turn out to be a 16 year “voyage” with far greater challenges than she’d ever encountered sailing round the world, ultimately leading her to work in mediation, conflict-coaching and group facilitation, and designing her own framework, The COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION S.P.A.C.E., to help people express themselves with compassion and authenticity.

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.

Episode 36 – Annette Ebbinghaus: From Engineering to Sophrology

Episode 36 – Annette Ebbinghaus: From Engineering to Sophrology




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 36


From Engineering to Sophrology


With Annette Ebbinghaus

Conversations Take Aways:

  • From Civil Engineering to Engineering of the Body
  • Strong foundation for a healthy life
  • Organised religion and spiritual turnarounds
  • Scientists and religion
  • Sophrology: what and why
  • Working with professional parents and teenagers
  • Stay curious!

About Annette

Annette is Canadian-Suisse living in Geneva. She began her career as a Civil Engineer, very rational, scientific mind and through the course of life, getting a M.Sc. in Civil Enginneering, then an MBA and working for a leading business school, IMD in Lausanne.

Then she found herselg living in Asia where her life trajectory completely changed, as this is when she began to study the body and the mind.

After a move to the US for 4 years, she returned to Switzerland, that’s when her mind and consciousness studies got a lot more in depth. She ultimately became an ASCA certified Master Sophrologist among other things such as a Reiki Master, IQM and HeartMath coherence practitioner, hypnosis, NLP…

Her work now involved building synaptic bridges in the mind and the body whilst connecting us to all that is.

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.

Episode 35 – Doug Gordon: L.O.V.E. Lots Of Vibrant Energy

Episode 35 – Doug Gordon: L.O.V.E. Lots Of Vibrant Energy




We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.


& Spirituality


We investigate where professional and spiritual journeys intertwine.

Episode 35


L.O.V.E. Lots Of Vibrant Energy


With Doug Gordon

Conversations Take Aways:

  • Difference bw spirituality and religion
  • Professional path
  • What sucks the joy out of fulfilling work 
  • Navigating toxic environments
  • Before and after a Near Death Experience
  • Does Healing and Corporate world mix well together?
  • Post NDE Insights on Karma
  • Charge Yourself Up, a book for a way of life
  • Leadership and Life Mastery Summit

About Doug

Doug D. Gordon is a 5X award winning international speaker, coach, consultant, trainer, radio presenter, healer, journalist and international bestselling author.

Doug spent 21 years in the investment world as an Investment sales head for some of the largest fund managers in the world.

But in 2008 when markets fell Doug suffered from stress. At the end of 2009 he had two surgical operations that went wrong. After 3 years of chronic pain, he got the Norovirus was rushed to hospital and had a near death experience.

Since then he has become a master teacher healer of Reiki, Seichem, Bio Energy healing, Magnified healing and Quantum healing and has met tremendous success helping others with both physical injuries and mental & emotional health. 

The common denominator that runs through his success in the multiple fields he has been active in is his strong indefectible LOVE, Love for his work, Love for people, Love to be of service, which translates into L.O.V.E Lots of Vibrant Energy! 

Free Guide

“The 3 Reasons Why You

Are Unfulfilled At Work And

The Spiritual Tools To Fix It”

I wrote this guide for spiritual women

exhausted in corporate.

Submit your details to download it now.