Relooke Ta Carrière
Tu veux une carrière qui claque plutôt que de claquer pour ta carrière?
Une sensation
qui dérange
Comme l’impression que quelque chose ne colle pas?
De l'extérieur...
...Mais de l'intérieur
Pourquoi ça te travaille autant?
De quoi tu as peut-être besoin
Si tu connaissais le problème, tu l’aurais déjà réglé. Une fois qu’on l’aura identifié ensemble, tu sauras finalement ce qui doit vraiment changer, et c’est pas forcément ce que tu crois.
Un changement de carrière
Des petits réglages
Quelque chose d'autre...
Comment tu vas y arriver
Une fois que tu sauras ce qui doit changer, tu vas entamer un processus d’auto-évaluation, de prise de conscience et confiance, de réflexion, motivation, prise de décision et finalement action, afin de réajuster, ou réinventer, ta carrière, ou encore régler ce quelque chose qui te gène.
Transformer ton stress
Trouver ta mission
Faire un plan, et s'y tenir
Par où tu commences
Par une conversation
Qui est ton coach
Je suis une coach intuitive, j’utilise la gestion du stress, le coaching de vie et de carrière et mon intuition, pour aider mes clients à résoudre leur sentiment d’insatisfaction, car j’ai appris à mes dépens ce qui se produit si on ne le fait pas.
Julie Pône
I hope to have the opportunity to help you as I have helped them.
Julie had so many insights which led me to a deeper understanding of who I was, and an acceptance of my gifts and challenges as well as an understanding of my unique self-expression. The clearings that she did and the information that she gave me really helped me to start putting my life back together.
I am able to put myself first and have more balance in my life without feeling guilty which I think had a direct correlation to me becoming ill in the first place. I am also now a lot calmer and clearer instead of feeling panic, which happened after a specific clearing she did regarding some traumatic events that had occurred in my life. I have made important business decisions that I couldn’t make before and can see a way forward that is exciting and makes me happy instead of filling me with dread. My relationship has also opened up and we are getting old issues resolved that have been affecting my marriage for many years.
Julie is a very kind and understanding person and is able to explain things in a way that makes sense. She has really helped me to get back on track in many areas of my life where I had previously felt very stuck. “
Dublin - Portobello
4, Rosedale Terrace Clanbrassil Street Lower, Dublin 8
Paris - 1er
Place Dauphine, 75001 Métro Pont-Neuf